성폭력・아동학대・장애인학대 및 인신매매등범죄 피해자에게 국선변호사를 선정, 사건 초기부터 수사, 재판에 이르는 형사절차 전 과정에서 전문적인 법률조력 지원
1. 주요내용
가. 신청기간 : 사실심 변론종결 전까지, 다만 범죄행위자가 불기소된 경우 그 불기소 처분에 대한 불복절차가 기각 결정으로 최종 종결되기 전까지
나. 전화문의 : 검찰청 콜센터 (1301)
다. 신청방법 : 신청권자 : 피해자 본인 또는 법정대리인
라. 신청방법 : 검사 또는 사법경찰관에게 구두 또는 서면 신청
마. 지원형태 : 기타(상담)
2. 지원대상
○ 성폭력・아동학대・장애인학대 및 인신매매등범죄 피해자 및 성매매 피해아동・청소년
○ 성폭력・아동학대・장애인학대・인신매매등범죄 피해자 및 성매매 피해아동・청소년에게 변호사가 없는 경우
(단, 아동학대범죄 피해아동의 경우 변호사가 없는 경우 국선변호사 의무적 선정)
3. 지원내용
○ 성폭력・아동학대・장애인학대 및 인신매매등범죄 피해자에게 국선변호사를 선정, 사건 초기부터 수사, 재판에 이르는 형사절차 전 과정에서 전문적인 법률조력 제공
4. 신청기간
사실심 변론종결 전까지, 다만 범죄행위자가 불기소된 경우 그 불기소 처분에 대한 불복절차가 기각 결정으로 최종 종결되기 전까지
5. 신청방법
가. 신청권자 : 피해자 본인 또는 법정대리인
나. 신청방법 : 검사 또는 사법경찰관에게 구두 또는 서면 신청
6. 접수기관
검찰청, 경찰서 등 수사기관(특별한 사정이 있는 경우 성폭력상담소 등을 통하여도 신청 가능)
7. 문의처
검찰청 콜센터 (☎1301)
8. 소관기관 : 법무부 최종수정일 2023.08.07.
출처. 법무부
Supporting public lawyers for victims of crimes such as sexual violence, child abuse, disability abuse and human trafficking
Select a public defender for victims of crimes such as sexual violence, child abuse, abuse of persons with disabilities, and trafficking, and provide professional legal assistance throughout the criminal process from the beginning of the case to investigation and trial
1. Main contents
go. Application period: Until the conclusion of the fact-finding hearing, but if a criminal is not prosecuted, until the final objection procedure for the non-prosecution disposition is terminated by the decision to dismiss it
I. Phone inquiries: Public Prosecutor's Office Call Center (1301)
All. Application method: Applicant: Victim himself or legal representative
La. Application method: Application verbally or in writing to a prosecutor or judicial police officer
bad luck. Type of support: Other (Counseling)
2. Subject to support
○ Victims of crimes, such as sexual violence, child abuse, abuse of persons with disabilities, and trafficking, as well as children and juveniles affected by prostitution
Selection criteria
○ Where victims of crimes, such as sexual violence, child abuse, abuse of persons with disabilities, human trafficking, and children and juveniles affected by prostitution do not have a lawyer
(However, in the case of children affected by child abuse crimes, if there is no lawyer, it is mandatory to select a public defender.)
3. Support details
○ Select a public defender to victims of crimes such as sexual violence, child abuse, abuse of persons with disabilities, and trafficking, and provide professional legal assistance throughout the criminal process from the beginning of the case to investigation and trial
4. Application period
Until the conclusion of the factual hearing, However, if a criminal is not prosecuted, until the objection procedure to the non-prosecution disposition is finally concluded with the decision to dismiss it
5. Application method
go. Applicant: Victim himself/herself or legal representative
I. Application method: Application verbally or in writing to a prosecutor or judicial police officer
6. a receptionist
Investigation agencies such as the Public Prosecutor's Office and police stations (if there are special circumstances, applications may be made through sexual violence counseling centers, etc.)
7. Contact Us
Public Prosecutor's Office Call Center (☎1301)
8. Agency in charge: Last revision date of the Ministry of Justice 2023.08.07.
Source: Ministry of Justice